Read the information below to help you prepare for your visit to Virginia Mason Franciscan Health's Rheumatology Department.
When you arrive for your appointment at Virginia Mason Medical Center, please check-in at one of the front desks located on the Buck Pavilion, Level 1 and the Lindeman Pavilion, Level 2. During check-in we will update your medical record information (changes in address, phone number, or insurance carrier), accept your co-payment (if you have one), and then send you to your appointment.
The Rheumatology Department is located on Level 6 of the Lindeman Pavilion. Please stop at the front desk of Rheumatology so we know you have made it to the sixth floor and are ready to be seen. If you wait more than 15 minutes past your appointment time, please tell the receptionist.
We want to make sure that everything goes smoothly for you during your visit. While the purpose of appointments may vary, some things should always remain constant. Here's what you can expect during your visit:
If follow-up appointments are needed, your provider will make sure you are seen in a timely manner.
If you need a prescription refill, contact the pharmacy that originally filled your prescription. Most medications are risky and will require routine laboratory monitoring and visits. Your provider will provide you with information on how often you will need laboratory testing. Virginia Mason Franciscan Health has several laboratories where tests can be performed. If by chance your labs have been drawn outside of Virginia Mason Franciscan Health, please make sure that our clinic receives a copy, to prevent interruption of medication refills. Results can be faxed to our department at 206-625-7288. If you are unable to return for routine visits, your primary-care provider will be notified to continue refills under his/her supervision until you are able to return to Virginia Mason Franciscan Health.
It is Rheumatology Department policy to deny refills until labs that have been ordered are received by Virginia Mason Franciscan Health.
The pharmacist may already have authorization to refill your medication. If not, ask the pharmacist to fax us at 206-223-8886 to request a refill. Please give your pharmacist plenty of time before your prescription runs out.
If you use mail order prescription service, please allow 10 days advance notice before your prescription runs out.
For patients taking ANTI-TNF inhibitors such as Enbrel, Humira, Kineret, or infusion medications in the hospital such as Remicade, Rituxan, and Orencia, your prescription insurance company may require a prior authorization from our office. In the event that an authorization is needed to refill your medication, your current prescription plan with a copy of your ID card will be needed. In some cases, your prescription plan will require prior authorization more than once per year. Please inform us of any prescription insurance changes as they may require new authorizations.
Please be aware of the length of therapy prescribed by your doctor for medications and when renewal of assistance is required. Information that needs to be filled in by the doctor can be faxed directly to our office at 206-625-7288.
Please be sure to tell us if you have any additional or new medication allergies.